hrlsoldier Oct 14, 2008 19:57
orders sir, being nunnally sucks, where am i?, jeremiah gottwald, blind, tripleevent!bodyswitch, captain akre
hrlsoldier Sep 22, 2008 01:28
orders sir, maybe alle can check out books now, e-0057, idkmybffmao, number one supersoldier, i want to fly, screw you b, celestial being is going down
hrlsoldier Jul 10, 2008 17:55
lost without bear, halp, this is not repenting, mao has nothing to do with this rly, commander?, terrorist bastards, reporting for duty, blind, anemone, confused, orders sir, are you my commander?, violence is like saying hello rite?, trying hard rly, oops, mao is a jerk, ow my head, lol return'd, ungeassed, mao, mao + soma = bff, death does not become me, oh no
hrlsoldier Jul 07, 2008 19:53
geassed, papa bear, are you my commander?, orders sir, kill you to save you, mao, mao + soma = bff, terrorist bastards, oh no terrorist in the house, betrayed by orange, angry, blind
hrlsoldier Jun 11, 2008 22:41
orders sir, jeremiah gottwald, losing it, devil's nest, luki + noki = little sisters, terrorist bastards, white fang is the terrorists too?!, mizore
hrlsoldier Apr 14, 2008 16:51
are you my commander?, orders sir, oh shit, invincible loli army
hrlsoldier Apr 13, 2008 14:01
are you my commander?, orders sir
hrlsoldier Apr 01, 2008 11:28
blew a gasket, are you my commander?, orders sir, ow my head, terrorist bastards, death does not become me, oh shit, terrorists must die
hrlsoldier Mar 20, 2008 23:32
are you my commander?, orders sir, voice post, justice is served, science is not evil, oh shit, terrorists must die